Sunday, July 1, 2007

Resolution for July

The month of June felt as though I did not do anything for the gospel work. This month I felt so lazy and I did not preach as much as I should of. Father AhnSahngHong told Mother tell us to preach the gospel diligently. How eager am I to go back to kingdom of heaven, is what I was thinking today in this Holy Sabbath day. This is why I truly want to step up and preach the gospel diligently. I want to bear at least one fruit to bring it back to our heavenly Mother. I want to pray to Father AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother everyday to bear this one soul. I also want to learn how to preach at least two subjects so I can continue to advance and preach with more confidents. Brothers and Sisters, please let us all pray together so we can all bear at least one fruit of repentance and let us get closer to transform and go back home Kingdom of Heaven.
All Honor, Glory and Praise be to Our Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Our Mother Jerusalem.

8 Responses:

Anonymous said...

Let us continue preaching with a burning heart full of the Holy Spirit as we advance the Kingdom of Heaven. Even though we may not have done much last month, let us do this month. As lng as we put our trust in Father and Mother all will go well.
P.S. Let's rely on the name of Christ Ahn Sahng Hong!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am one of the new "fruits" that came recently to Zion through ceaseless efforts of my older brothers and sisters. :)

I have only been coming to the Church of God for the past 7 months. I was simply amazed at how they can so quickly and with ease, answer all the questions I had in mind through only the Bible.

I kept asking them, "How do you that? Why is it that you guys can answer these questions when no other church can? How come the other churches never showed me these things that are CLEARLY written in the bible, like Sabbath and Passover?"

Then I realized that this church was different from every other church, BECAUSE these teachings were DIRECTLY FROM GOD! Who but God, the author of the Bible can reveal all mysteries of the bible? For example, only the painter, when he paints a pictures, knows truly the meaning behind his painting. Although other people may try to interpret the meaning, only the original artist can let you know the EXACT thought behind what he was trying to convey.

Just like, only God can tell you what He meant through the Scriptures that HE WROTE!

The reason why I understand so perfectly this truth was because it was taught by God.

John 6:45 ~ It is written in the prophets that we will ALL BE TAUGHT BY GOD! Everyone who listens to the Father, and learns from Him, comes to me.

I thank our Father Christ Ahnsanghong for coming as the "Spirit of Truth."

John 16:13 ~ But when He, the Spirit of Truth comes, He will GUIDE you into ALL TRUTH, He will NOT speak on His own; He will ONLY SPEAK what He Hears and He will tell you what is yet to come.

Thank you Father for coming down to this earth and restoring the truths that you taught 2000 years.

Anonymous said...

in this month i didnt preach that much either, but with the help of Father Ahn Sahng Hong, the next month will be more fruitful.

Lets keep the fire of the Holy Spirit on, Father Ahnsahnghong is coming soon! lets hold on to our crown!

Anonymous said...

God Bless you brother and sisters. All praise, honor and glory to Heavenly Father and Mother.

Last month may have been a little slow, but even though it is the beginning of the month, I feel that the fire is on!!! Brothers and sisters are really coming together in unity! Irt is so wonderful to preach the good news that our Father and Mother have come to save us in these last days and many people are seeing how very true it is- how can we deny it, it has been printed in the bible from 3500 years ago!

Thank you Father Ahn Sahng Hong and Mother for allowing us to be led by the power of your Holy Spirit find our brothers and sisters from heaven!!!

Anonymous said...

God bless you B. Pete,

I also like you have always felt that I don't do enough...but this month I have resolved to start with the little things first. Actually, Heavenly Mother says if we cannot do small things, we cannot do big things. I always want to take part in BIG things, but always ignore the "small" ones.

From now on, I will start will little things first. Then I will hope to take part in the bigger blessings that come.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way so many times!! But I realized the best thing to do is to have the courage to move forward! God gives us the ability to do all things. And it's for us to recieve BLESSINGS!!!:-)
How great and wonderful it is to be loved by Mother Jerusalem and Father Ahnsonghong! With God,ALL things are possible! We can NEVER do enough, but as long as we do it with love God will be pleased. LOVE covers a multitude of sins....

Anonymous said...

We can do it! The one thing that always takes me my surprise (though it shouldn't), is that i always think I'm the only one. But, in fact, even though we don't realize it, we truly are one body, one mind.

I was feeling a little down because I did not preach as I should've either for last month. But, my beautiful brothers and sisters, we all went through the same situation and thoughts.

Now that ALL of us realize we didn't do enough, ALL of us can go out and preach the gospel bodly and with love. Now is the time to fight the ruler of this world, satan.

Because God Ahn Sahng Hong is looking at us and our Heavenly Mother Jerusalem is WITH us, this month of July we can all bring 1 child to Father and Mother. We can do it! Who's with me!?

I can't wait until the whole world knows about our Mother Jerusalem. Whether they like it or not, She is God Almighty and soon everyone will see Her glory! Let's make Jerusalem the praise of this earth!

dazw518 said...

It's an honor to read the brothers n sisters' comments here so I remind that we are one in God even though we live far apart. That's surprising!! And now is clear that our Mother feed on good spritual food ,the word of the Bible to all of us same. I give thanks and praise to our Heavenly Father and Mother

P.S. the example of painter by Tim is really graceful and understandable. God bless!