Thursday, February 21, 2008

How can I be blessed by God?

Everytime someone sneezes I hear "God bless you"
But, I always though..
"does it take a sneeze to be blessed by God?,
is it that simple?,
If so, even buddhists receive God's blessing!, is this correct?"

But according to the bible, there is only one way to receive God's blessings.

Gn 2:7 "By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested [a] from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy..."

Does God really need to take a day out of the week to bless himself? We are the ones that need God's blessings! But actually, the seventh day is not Sunday like most Christians think. If you look at a calendar or dictionary you will find Saturday is the 7th day of the week. God called this day The Sabbath Day. The only day when we can be blessed by God directly is on the 7th Day of the Week, Saturday which is the Sabbath Day.

The Sabbath Day starts on Saturday morning and ends in the evening, In Church of God World Mission Society the sabbath day is kept in accordance to the word of God in the bible. This means we are the only ones that can truely say we are being blessed by God.

Father Christ Ahnsahnghong was the one who brought the truth of life. I thank so much Father and Mother New Jerusalem because my whole life I thought I was receiving God's blessing by going on Sunday, but I found out it's not even in the bible. Whoever beleives in the bible will not find it difficult to beleive Christ Ahnsahnghong and Heavenly Mother New Jerusalem are creator God. AMEN!

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