Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mother God is Common Sense

To believe in God the Mother is common sense. I realized this while taking a study at the Church of God World Mission Society. Actually, it never dawned on me as to why we call God, Father. To be a father, you need children. Also, to be a father there has to be a mother. This doesn't apply only to humans, but to any living creature in this world. Then, how can God the Mother not exist? That was my reaction during the study. It makes perfect sense for there to be a Heavenly Mother. When I was shown the verse in Galatians 4:26 "But the Jerusalem that is above is free and she is our mother", I couldn't argue it. Why does the bible say this? If us, children of God didn't have a Mother, then why would this verse be in the bible?
It can easily be understood through the following example: Parents is one word meaning father and mother. In the same way, God is one word meaning Father and Mother. The reason I share this is because I was amazed at how clear this was. It made perfect sense so I just couldn't hold back sharing this with everyone. Thanks for reading

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